The probability and possiblity of everything.
Original Date AUG, 8 2004
Published on August 24, 2004 By Wade Helquist In Health & Medicine
"Depressive people having sex with people creating a slightly depressive child. tisk tisk tisk. At this rate the whole U.S. will be 'contaminated' with depression to an extent in no time"
My Brain Updated - Quote:

Pulled this from one of my visitors sight. On the page they open up their mind spilling out their thoughts and filling up the page about what is going on in their head. That is kind of what I want to acheive but I must say I tend to be alot more formal in writing then in real life. Which I find bizare because for most poeple it is completly the opisite.

Anyway back to the topic. It's nice to think about society and what it good for the whole but I think that we need to focus one each individual at a time.

I have bipolar depression. I don't think that I should have to limit my self to not being married and having kids and having a somewhat normal life...Or forced to not marry just because Their is a Huge change that one or more of my children will have bipolar.

We have no idea what advances are to come in the future. I would not wish it on them and I would hope that probability would work out in my favor and that I don't spred new contaminated offspring into the world!"

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